Strange Creatures of the Adult Wilderness – the web series

It’s been awhile. Good to see all of you again. You haven’t aged a bit.

A couple years ago, it suddenly hit me that writing short stories was kind of a lonely thing. My solution was to write a web series instead, which would give me an opportunity to socialize with movie stars. And I was right (even if they aren’t, strictly speaking, movie stars yet).

I, and a gaggle of extremely talented cast and crew members, put together nine episodes of Strange Creatures of the Adult Wilderness. They’re both entertaining and available to watch on Vimeo.

Short Story: The Coffee Shop

The Clients, the band with whom I played bass, once performed at a black-tie fundraiser. The tickets cost $275 apiece. So I would tell people, “Yes, you can come hear me play, but it will cost you 275 bucks, because I’m that good.”

In a similar vein, I have a new short story out, “The Coffee Shop“. You can read it, but it’s only available in hardcover, and it costs $70. It’s an anthology of comic mysteries called “Die Laughing” put out by the same folks who run the magazine, Mystery Weekly. It’s a whopping 511 pages, so you’re only paying 14¢ per page. My story takes up 15 of those pages.

Short Story: Frozen

And now for something completely different: London is home to a collection of actors called the Liars’ League. Once a month they commandeer a bar and stage a reading of five short stories, They picked one of mine, “Frozen”, to include in their most recent round. It was billed by the director as, “a darkly comic tale of camping and nudity” – a description I could not possibly improve upon.

It was performed by Sophie Cartman, who did an amazing job – I could listen to her say “marshmallow” all day long. A million thanks to Sophie (1.2 million after you convert it from British pounds).

11 minutes.

Short Story: A Flight Attendant Reveals – They Pay Attention, Now That I Start the Safety Demonstration with “I’m Not Racist, But…”

Months ago, the line, “I’m not racist, but” – followed by something entirely mundane – started as a joke in my standup comedy routine. I couldn’t make it work right, so I dropped it. But I kept thinking about it, and eventually birthed this story. It’s on a site called Little Old Lady Comedy. It’ll take barely two minutes to read.